Start Screen:

When you open the game, you will see the start screen with two button options:

Start - Starts the game. After pressing the play button, the player will enter the first level.

Exit - Closes the game

Level Controls:

A or Left Arrow - Moves the player to the left

D or Right Arrow - Moves the player to the right

Space - Makes the player jump and dismount ladders

W or Up Arrow - Interact with NPCs and climb ladders

S or Down Arrow - Descend Ladders

E, X, or Left Click - Penguin Slap close range attack

Q, Z, or Right Click - Icicle long range attack

Escape - Opens the pause menu

Pause Menu:

When you press escape and pause the game, a menu of three options appear

Restart - Replays the level from the beginning

Bestiary - Once the bestiary is unlocked, the player will be able to open the book with this option

Exit - Closes the game

When you want to close the pause menu and unpause the game, press escape again


Right Arrow button - Turns one page to the right

Left Arrow button - Turns one page to the left

X button - Closes the bestiary and unpauses the game

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